Match Numbers

Explore whether the likelihood of certain outcomes increases or decreases with the level of drinking/ intoxication and how this might be different for different individuals.

Have a go at matching the picture to the number of drinks someone might drink for the consequence to happen!
Some have more than one answer, and there are some situations where adults shouldn’t drink at all – see if you can spot which ones.



How many drinks would it take for this to happen?


  • Although someone might get involved in a fight or argument  when they haven’t had any alcohol, it’s much more likely if they’ve been drinking.
  • Well Done! If someone is under-age EVEN one or two drinks could make them more likely to get involved in a fight or have an argument.
  • Well Done! Someone is much more likely to get involved in a fight or have an argument if they’ve been drinking.
  • Well Done! Someone is much more likely to get involved in a fight or have an argument if they’ve been drinking.



How many drinks can an adult safely drink if they’re driving?


  • Well Done! There are times when adults shouldn’t drink at all, which includes when planning to drive. It’s best to book a taxi, or arrange for a friend to be the non drinking driver for the evening. Someone can also be over the limit the next morning if they’ve drunk a lot the night before.
  • It’s always best not to drink if planning to drive as people break down alcohol at different rates. This can depend on whether they’ve eaten, are tired, how big they are and many other factors. Any level of drinking slows down reflexes and reactions.
  • The driver would fail a police breath test, face a driving ban,  a £5000 fine and possible imprisonment. As  reactions and coordination slow down they’d be highly likely to crash and risk ruining their life or someone else’s.
  • The driver would fail a police breath test, face a driving ban,  a £5000 fine and possible imprisonment. As  reactions and coordination slow down they’d be highly likely to crash and risk ruining their life or someone else’s.

Criminal Record


How many drinks would it take for this to happen?


  • This can happen when someone hasn’t been drinking, but a person is more likely to get into trouble with the police, become violent or cause damage if they’ve drunk too much – it might seem funny at the time, but could have life long consequences.
  • If someone is under-age just one or two drinks can make them behave out of character, get angry or make risky choices – increasing their chances of getting into trouble. For most adults, one or two drinks can be consumed as part of an enjoyable evening.
  • Well done! Drinking too much can lead to people becoming angry, violent or doing risky things. People are far more likely to get into trouble with the police if they’ve drunk too much.
  • Well done! Drinking too much can lead to people becoming angry, violent or doing risky things. People are far more likely to get into trouble with the police if they’ve drunk too much.

Aggression / Damage Property


How many drinks would it take for this to happen?


  • You’re right,  this can happen when someone hasn’t been drinking, but they’d be more likely to get into trouble with the police, become violent or cause damage if they’ve drunk too much – it might seem funny at the time, but could have life long consequences.
  • If someone is under-age just one or two drinks can make them behave out of character, get angry or make risky choices – increasing their chances of getting into trouble. Adults drinking at this level should be fine.
  • Well done! Drinking too much can lead to people becoming angry, violent or doing risky things. People are far more likely to get into trouble with the police if you’ve drunk too much.
  • Well done! Drinking too much can lead to people becoming angry, violent or doing risky things. People are far more likely to get into trouble with the police if you’ve drunk too much.

Car Accident


How many drinks would it take for this to happen?


  • A driver is much more likely to have a car accident if they’ve been drinking – but there are other risks of course – such as driving too fast, being tired, texting or being on the phone or being distracted by others in the car.
  • Well Done! reactions and coordination slow down even after one drink and s driver’s confidence grows meaning that they might drive a bit faster – so if planning to drive it’s best not to drink at all.
  • Well Done! Drinking this much means a driver would lack judgement, coordination and their reflexes will be slow so they would be at great risk of crashing or causing an accident – not to mention losing their licence or going to prison.
  • Well Done! Drinking this much means a driver would lack judgement, coordination and their reflexes will be slow so they would be at great risk of crashing or causing an accident – not to mention losing their licence or going to prison.

Assault / Get Hurt


How many drinks would it take for this to happen?


  • Of course it is possible that someone could be assaulted or hurt if they haven’t been drinking – but they’re much more likely to be sexually assaulted or hurt (hit by a car, for example) if they’ve been drinking than if they haven’t. Irrespective of whether someone has been drinking, a sexual assault is always the  fault of the attacker.
  • Of course  it is possible that someone could be assaulted or hurt after drinking one or two drinks – but if  a person is drunk they’re much more likely to be sexually assaulted or hurt (hit by a car, for example)  than if they choose not to drink alcohol or stick to one or two drinks. Irrespective of whether someone has been drinking, a sexual assault is always the  fault of the attacker.
  • Well Done! If someone is drunk they’re much more likely to be sexually assaulted or hurt (hit by a car, for example) than if they choose not to drink or stick to one or two drinks. Irrespective of whether someone has been drinking, a sexual assault is always the  fault of the attacker.
  • Well Done! If someone is drunk they’re much more likely to be sexually assaulted or hurt (hit by a car, for example) than if they choose not to drink or stick to one or two drinks. Irrespective of whether someone has been drinking, a sexual assault is always the  fault of the attacker.

Vulnerable to others


How many drinks would it take for this to happen?


  • Well Done! You always need to think about why someone’s interested in you, especially if they’re older or want something from you. Never leave anywhere on your own, or accept friend requests from people you don’t know. Drinking can relax your guard and let someone take advantage of you, so always stick with your mates, let someone know where you are and keep your mobile with you with plenty of charge.
  • Well Done!   You always need to think about why someone’s interested in you, especially if they’re older or want something from you. Never leave anywhere on your own, or accept friend requests from people you don’t know. Drinking can relax your guard and let someone take advantage of you, so always stick with your mates, make sure someone always knows where you are and keep your mobile with you with plenty of charge at all times.
  • Well Done! The more someone drinks, the less aware they’ll be of their surroundings and who they’re hanging round with. A person who has been drinking is more likely to say yes to something they wouldn’t normally agree to and could regret later.  To reduce risk, they should never leave anywhere on their own, stick with their mates, make sure someone always knows where they are and keep their mobile with them with plenty of charge at all times.
  • Well Done! The more someone drinks, the less aware they’ll be of their surroundings and who they’re hanging round with. A person who has been drinking is more likely to say yes to something they wouldn’t normally agree to and could regret later.  To reduce risk, they should never leave anywhere on their own, stick with their mates, make sure someone always knows where they are and keep their mobile with them with plenty of charge at all times.

Go home with stranger / on own


How many drinks would it take for this to happen?


  • Someone is much more likely to go home on their own and take risks that can put them in serious danger if they’re drunk. Whether drinking or not, people should always stick with their friends, arrange how they’re getting home before they go out, have a fully charged mobile and always let someone else know where they’re going.
  • Someone is much more likely to go home on their own and take risks that can put them in serious danger if they’re drunk. Whether drinking or not, people should always stick with their friends, arrange how they’re getting home before they go out, have a fully charged mobile and always let someone else know where they’re going.
  • Well Done! People are much more likely to go home on their own and take risks that can put them in serious danger if they’re drunk. Whether drinking or not, people should always stick with their friends, arrange how they’re getting home before they go out, have a fully charged mobile and always let someone else know where they’re going.
  • Well Done! People are much more likely to go home on their own and take risks that can put them in serious danger if they’re drunk. Whether drinking or not, people should always stick with their friends, arrange how they’re getting home before they go out, have a fully charged mobile and always let someone else know where they’re going.



How many drinks can an adult safely drink if they’re working?


  • Well Done! In most cases working and alcohol don’t mix, especially if someone is working at heights, with electrical equipment or have a responsible job like teaching, being a policeman or fireman.
  • In most cases working and alcohol don’t mix, especially if someone is working at heights, with electrical equipment or have a responsible job like teaching, being a policeman or fireman.
  • In most cases working and alcohol don’t mix, especially if someone is working at heights, with electrical equipment or have a responsible job like teaching, being a policeman or fireman.
  • In most cases working and alcohol don’t mix, especially if someone is working at heights, with electrical equipment or have a responsible job like teaching, being a policeman or fireman.



How many drinks would it take for this to happen?


  • Although someone might have an argument without having consumed any alcohol, they are much more likely to get involved in a fight or have an argument if they’ve been drinking.
  • Although a person might have an argument after one or two drinks, the risk of them getting involved in a fight or having an argument increases the more they consume.
  • Well Done! The risk of someone getting involved in a fight or having an argument increases the more they consume.
  • Well Done! The risk of someone getting involved in a fight or having an argument increases the more they consume.

Accident (Broken Leg)


How many drinks would it take for this to happen?


  • Of course someone can still injure themselves without drinking, but the risk increases with each drink consumed – especially if they are under-age – Basically, drinking alcohol slows down reactions and coordination so a person is more likely to injure themselves, or someone else.
  • By far the greatest risk for those drinking when under-age is having an accident – harming either themselves or others.  Even one or two drinks affect coordination and reactions.
  • The more someone drinks, especially if under-age, the more likely they are to harm themselves or someone else. Basically this is because reactions, coordination – and judgement are affected as they drink more. What might seem funny at the time could lead to getting into a fight, into trouble with the police or worse.
  • The more someone drinks, especially if under-age, the more likely they are to harm themselves or someone else. Basically this is because reactions, coordination – and judgement are affected as they drink more. What might seem funny at the time could lead to getting into a fight, into trouble with the police or worse.

Feeling Confident


How many drinks would it take for this to happen?


  • Well Done! People shouldn’t need alcohol to help them feel confident. They should stick with their friends and shouldn’t go to a party if it doesn’t feel right.  There are lots of other options like the cinema, bowling, going out for a pizza or inviting mates round instead.
  • Well Done! Some adults say having one or two drinks helps them relax and feel more confident, but people shouldn’t need alcohol to help them feel confident. They should stick with their friends and shouldn’t go to a party if it doesn’t feel right.  There are lots of other options like the cinema, bowling, going out for a pizza or inviting mates round instead.
  • Some might think getting drunk means they can act big, show off and be more confident than usual. In fact, if they’re drinking this much they are more likely to be slurring their words and  mates will be laughing at them rather than with them. Too much alcohol gives a person smelly breath too, so not great for attracting a partner.
  • Some might think getting drunk means they can act big, show off and be more confident than usual. In fact, if they’re drinking this much they are more likely to be slurring their words and  mates will be laughing at them rather than with them. Too much alcohol gives a person smelly breath too, so not great for attracting a partner.

Sick / Vomiting


How many drinks would it take for this to happen?


  • If someone isn’t drinking, they are unlikely to be sick unless somebody has eaten too much or something that could make them sick!
  • Well Done! For a young person even one or two drinks if they haven’t drunk before or drink on an empty tummy, could make them feel sick and unwell.  Adults having one or two drinks should feel fine unless they are on some medications or allergic to alcohol.
  • Well Done!  For a young person four drinks or more will make them sick, especially if they drink on an empty tummy. If a young person drinks six drinks or more they risk passing out and even alcohol poisoning. Very few teenagers – less than one in ten ever drink this much.
  • Well Done!  For a young person four drinks or more will make them sick, especially if they drink on an empty tummy. If a young person drinks six drinks or more they risk passing out and even alcohol poisoning. Very few teenagers – less than one in ten ever drink this much.

Slurring Speech


How many drinks would it take for this to happen?


  • This is unlikely unless someone has only just woken up! It’s more likely  if they’ve been drinking alcohol as it slows down reactions and coordination and can cause someone to talk slowly or walk in a wobbly line!
  • Well done. It’s alcohol that slows down someone’s reactions if they drink too much. They won’t be able to walk straight, may fall over and slur their speech. Adults would need to drink four or more drinks usually for this to happen, but it could happen after fewer drinks for those underage.
  • Basically, the more someone drinks, the more alcohol flows into their bloodstream and brain where it interferes with brain signals leading to slurred speech, not being able to walk straight and talking loudly, for example.
  • Basically, the more someone drinks, the more alcohol flows into their bloodstream and brain where it interferes with brain signals leading to slurred speech, not being able to walk straight and talking loudly, for example. Drinking even more can lead to passing out, being sick or worse.

Say something you regret


How many drinks would it take for this to happen?


  • We all say things we regret when we’re angry, fed up, jealous or hurt – but someone is more likely to say or do worse things if they’ve been drinking.
  • Well Done! We all say things we regret when we’re angry, fed up, jealous or hurt – but someone is more likely to say or do worse things if they’ve been drinking.
  • Well Done! When someone drinks too much, their inhibitions go. That means they don’t think about the consequences of what they say or do at the time. The more someone drinks, the more likely they are to be emotional, angry, sensitive or jealous, for example, so they’re more likely to fly off the handle and say or do something they regret when sober.
  • When someone drinks too much,their inhibitions go. That means they don’t think about the consequences of what they say or do at the time. The more someone drinks, the more likely they are to be emotional, angry, sensitive or jealous, for example, so they’re more likely to fly off the handle and say or do something they regret when sober.



How many drinks would it take for this to happen?


  • A person is more likely to have their wits about them and be aware of anyone acting suspiciously if they haven’t been drinking. The best advice is to always look out for each other and keep mobiles, cash and cards in a zipped pocket or out of view.
  • Well done! As a young person, someone might be be less aware and guarded even after one or two drinks. Always look out for each other and keep mobiles, cash and cards in a zipped pocket or out of view
  • As a person drinks more, their reactions and coordination slow down, their vision can become blurred and they’re not aware of what’s going on around them. They are, therefore, far more likely to be a victim of crime if they’ve been drinking – They’re more likely to commit a crime too as they don’t think about what they’re doing and might think it’s funny at the time.
  • As a person drinks more, their reactions and coordination slows down, their vision can become blurred and they’re not aware of what’s going on around them. They are, therefore, far more likely to be a victim of crime if they’ve been drinking – They’re more likely to commit a crime too as they don’t think about what they’re doing and might think it’s funny at the time.

Unplanned Sex


How many drinks would it take for this to happen?


  • Someone is much less likely to say yes to something they regret later or be pressured into having sex if they haven’t been drinking reducing the risk of unplanned pregnancy or an STI.
  • Well Done! Someone is much more likely to say yes to something they regret later or be pressured into having sex if they’ve been drinking and their inhibitions go. This might lead to an unplanned pregnancy or an STI.
  • Well Done! Someone is much more likely to say yes to something they regret later or be pressured into having sex if they’ve been drinking and their inhibitions go. This might lead to an unplanned pregnancy or an STI.
  • Well Done! Someone is much more likely to say yes to something they regret later or be pressured into having sex if they’ve been drinking and their inhibitions go. This might lead to an unplanned pregnancy or an STI.



How many drinks would it take for this to happen?


  • Well done!  Hanging out with mates and relaxing is the best  – gaming or going for a pizza, to the movies or bowling/ there are so many ways to unwind!
  • Adults who choose to drink one or two drinks – especially with friends and at meal times, find it relaxing and sociable. There are times when it’s not appropriate such as if planning to drive later, if pregnant or on certain medications though.
  • For adults drinking 4 or more drinks on a regular basis it is not only harmful to health, but will disrupt sleep patterns and can lead to feeling stressed and bad tempered. A good tip is to alternate with water or soft drinks, to eat – and cut down if they want to feel relaxed and healthy.
  • For adults drinking 6 or more drinks on a regular basis it is not only harmful to health, but will disrupt sleep patterns and can lead to feeling stressed and bad tempered. A good tip is to alternate with water or soft drinks, to eat – and cut down if they want to feel relaxed and healthy.

Meal, food and socialising


How many drinks would it take for this to happen?


  • Well Done! Meeting up should always be about catching up with your mates and having a good time.
  • Well Done!  For most adults, one or two drinks can be consumed as part of an enjoyable evening.  Young people are advised to wait until at least age 15 to drink at all as their liver and brain are not fully developed.
  • Drinking four or more drinks means things are likely to get out of control and someone is more likely to be slumped in a corner feeling sick than having fun.  Drinking regularly at this level will lead to health problems long term too.
  • Drinking six or more drinks means things are likely to get out of control and someone is more likely to be slumped in a corner feeling sick than having fun.  Drinking regularly at this level will lead to health problems long term too.

Look an idiot


How many drinks would it take for this to happen?


  • Anyone can make an idiot of themselves without consuming alcohol, but they’re much more likely to do or say stupid things if they have been drinking!
  • Well Done! It depends how old they are. If underage, even one or two drinks will make them act out of character. For most adults, one or two drinks can be consumed as part of an enjoyable evening.
  • Well Done! Anyone is more likely to do or say stupid things if they’ve been drinking as well as get into arguments or say things they regret or can’t even remember the next day. It could also be shared on social media to remind and embarrass them later too.
  • Well Done! Anyone is more likely to do or say stupid things if they’ve been drinking as well as get into arguments or say things they regret or can’t even remember the next day. It could also be shared on social media to remind and embarrass them later too.

Party / good time


How many drinks would it take for this to happen?


  • Well Done!  One if five young adults now don’t drink at all but still have a great time at parties and with their mates. Drinking should only ever be part of the evening rather than the focus of it.
  • Well Done! For most adults, one or two drinks can be consumed as part of an enjoyable evening – stay in control and have a great time. Young people are advised to wait until at least age 15 to drink at all though, as your liver and brain are not fully developed.
  • Some people might think having a great time at a party or on a night out is all about getting drunk or drinking too much. When asked, 70% of 16 – 24 year olds say they have a couple of drinks when they go out, but don’t binge drink or get drunk, they just don’t think it’s cool and it’s expensive.
  • Some people might think having a great time at a party or on a night out is all about getting drunk or drinking too much. When asked, 70% of 16 – 24 year olds say they have a couple of drinks when they go out, but don’t binge drink or get drunk, they just don’t think it’s cool and it’s expensive.

If you’re taking medicines


How many drinks can an adult safely drink…?


  • It depends  on what type of medicines – so if an adult is planning to drink, they should always check whether it’s safe to do so by reading the medicine instructions or asking their doctor.
  • It depends  on what type of medicines – so if an adult is planning to drink, they should always check whether it’s safe to do so by reading the medicine instructions or asking their doctor.
  • Combining alcohol and medication – especially at this level is not a good idea. Some medications such as antidepressants react badly with alcohol –  those taking medications should always check the instructions and with a doctor if it’s OK to drink or not.
  • Combining alcohol and medication – especially at this level is not a good idea. Some medications such as antidepressants react badly with alcohol –  those taking medications should always check the instructions and with a doctor if it’s OK to drink or not.

Passing Out


How many drinks would it take for this to happen?


  • Someone is more likely to pass out if they drink a lot of alcohol, especially if they drink quickly or on an empty stomach, they can collapse or pass out. This can be a sign of alcohol poisoning and is very dangerous. It’s important to always make sure the person is in recovery position and their airways are clear as they risk choking on their vomit. Never leave them alone, get help and make sure they are kept warm.drinks tip – passing out.
  • Someone is more likely to pass out if they drink a lot of alcohol, especially if they drink quickly or on an empty stomach, they can collapse or pass out. This can be a sign of alcohol poisoning and is very dangerous. It’s important to always make sure the person is in recovery position and their airways are clear as they risk choking on their vomit. Never leave them alone, get help and make sure they are kept warm.
  • Correct!  If someone drinks a lot of alcohol, especially if they drink quickly or on an empty stomach, they can collapse or pass out. This can be a sign of alcohol poisoning and is very dangerous. It’s important to always make sure the person is in recovery position and their airways are clear as they risk choking on their own vomit. Never leave them alone, get help and make sure they are kept warm.
  • Correct!  If someone drinks a lot of alcohol, especially if they drink quickly or on an empty stomach, they can collapse or pass out. This can be a sign of alcohol poisoning and is very dangerous. It’s important to always make sure the person is in recovery position and their airways are clear as they risk choking on their own vomit. Never leave them alone, get help and make sure they are kept warm.

If someone’s pregnant


How many drinks can an adult safely drink if they’re pregnant?


  • Well Done! Alcohol crosses the placenta directly to the baby so it’s advised not to drink when pregnant.  Drinking heavily when pregnant leads to long term brain and development problems for the child called fetal alcohol syndrome.
  • Because alcohol crosses the placenta to the baby you’re advised not to drink when pregnant. Drinking heavily when pregnant leads to long term brain and development problems for the child called fetal alcohol syndrome.
  • Because  alcohol crosses the placenta to the baby you’re advised not to drink when pregnant. Drinking heavily when pregnant leads to long term brain and development problems for the child called fetal alcohol syndrome.
  • Because alcohol crosses the placenta to the baby you’re advised not to drink when pregnant. Drinking heavily when pregnant leads to long term brain and development problems for the child called fetal alcohol syndrome.

Headache / Hangover


How many drinks would it take for this to happen?


  • Sorry!  Drinking a lot, especially if someone drinks quickly or doesn’t  eat before or while drinking, can lead to a thumping headache, feeling thirsty, sick, tired and being  sensitive to noise and bright lights. This is because alcohol is dehydrating and the body loses too much water. Alcohol also irritates the lining of the stomach, which can lead to feeling sick and vomiting.  A hangover can’t be cured, although some people say a strong coffee, a cold shower or fizzy drinks can help. In fact, time is the only answer, allowing the liver to get on with its job, helped along by drinking lots of water and food.
  • Sorry!  Drinking a lot, especially if someone drinks quickly or doesn’t  eat before or while drinking, can lead to a thumping headache, feeling thirsty, sick, tired and being  sensitive to noise and bright lights. This is because alcohol is dehydrating and the body loses too much water. Alcohol also irritates the lining of the stomach, which can lead to feeling sick and vomiting.  A hangover can’t be cured, although some people say a strong coffee, a cold shower or fizzy drinks can help. In fact, time is the only answer, allowing the liver to get on with its job, helped along by drinking lots of water and food.
  • Well Done!  Drinking a lot, especially if someone drinks quickly or doesn’t  eat before or while drinking, can lead to a thumping headache, feeling thirsty, sick, tired and being  sensitive to noise and bright lights. This is because alcohol is dehydrating and the body loses too much water. Alcohol also irritates the lining of the stomach, which can lead to feeling sick and vomiting.
  • Well Done!  Drinking a lot, especially if someone drinks quickly or doesn’t  eat before or while drinking, can lead to a thumping headache, feeling thirsty, sick, tired and being  sensitive to noise and bright lights. This is because alcohol is dehydrating and the body loses too much water. Alcohol also irritates the lining of the stomach, which can lead to feeling sick and vomiting.

Police / Ambulance


How many drinks would it take for this to happen?


  • A person is less likely to be involved in an accident or get into trouble with the police if they haven’t been drinking. That’s not to say it can’t  happen if they break the law, cause damage or take risks – but drinking makes a person more likely to take risks and to not think about the consequences until it’s too late.
  • Well done! If someone drinks even a small amount when under 18 in a public place, police will take away the alcohol and let the person’s school and parent/carer know. If school catch them drinking, the police could be involved too. By asking someone over 18 to buy alcohol on their behalf, they’re also asking them to break the law. If a person drinks more heavily, it increases the risk of them injuring themselves or someone else – e.g. having an accident. They’re also more likely to lose their temper and get involved in a fight or cause damage
  • Well done! By far the biggest risk if someone drinks a lot  as a teenager is injuring themselves or someone else – e.g. having an accident. They’re also more likely to lose their temper and get involved in a fight or cause damage – it might seem funny at the time, but not if they get a criminal conviction – try getting a good job, or car insurance – they won’t even be able to travel to the US.
  • Well done! By far the biggest risk if someone drinks a lot  as a teenager is injuring themselves or someone else – e.g. having an accident. They’re also more likely to lose their temper and get involved in a fight or cause damage – it might seem funny at the time, but not if they get a criminal conviction – try getting a good job, or car insurance – they won’t even be able to travel to the US.

Feeling Happy


How many drinks would it take for this to happen?


  • Well done! Feeling happy is all keeping active and busy, having a  good relationship with your family and friends – sport, shopping, out for a coffee, going for a walk, there are so many ways of chatting to your mates and feeling good!
  • For most adults, one or two drinks can be consumed as part of an enjoyable evening – especially if with friends and with food. Be careful the drinks don’t add up though, as too much alcohol can lead to arguments, fights and relationship problems.
  • For adults drinking 4 or more drinks on a regular basis it is not only harmful to health, but will disrupt sleep patterns and can lead to feeling stressed and bad tempered. A good tip is to alternate with water or soft drinks, to eat – and cut down if you want to feel relaxed and healthy.
  • For adults drinking 6 or more drinks on a regular basis it is not only harmful to health, but will disrupt sleep patterns and can lead to feeling stressed and bad tempered. A good tip is to alternate with water or soft drinks, to eat – and cut down if you want to feel relaxed and healthy.



How many drinks would it take for this to happen?


  • Well Done! That’s what mates, or watching a film and having a good time is all about
  • Well Done! For most adults, one or two drinks can be consumed as part of an enjoyable evening. Drinking at this level in most cases causes no harm. Young people are advised to wait until at least age 15 to drink at all as their liver and brain are not fully developed.
  • Sorry! Drinking four or more drinks means people are more likely to be laughing at someone being stupid or slumped in a corner feeling sick.  Drinking regularly at this level will lead to health problems long term too.
  • Sorry! Drinking six or more drinks means people are more likely to be laughing at someone being stupid or slumped in a corner feeling sick.  Drinking regularly at this level will lead to health problems long term too.